PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue. Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave you feeling helpless. Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and does not treat the underlying medical problems.

Now there is an affordable way for you to improve your hair density without surgery of harmful side effects. PRP for hair restoration involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp.


  • Increases blood supply to the follicle
  • Increases shaft size (thickness)
  • Triggers and maintains the growth phase
  • Controls hair growth cycle
  • Decreases hair loss


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. As a concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that stimulate healing of bone and soft tissue. The concentration of platelets β€” and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors β€” can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual.

Recent scientific research and technology has revealed new understandings of wound and tissue healing as it relates to hair loss and restoration. As a result of these scientific studies, PRP is recognized as an all-natural, autologous medical procedure performed in the medical office for scalp, skin, and hair stimulation. We are also using PRP with SkinPen microneedling of the face for its anti-aging benefits and a healthy skin glow. Read more about PRP Skin Rejuvenation.


Platelets contain healing growth factors. Those growth factors are like signal callers that give instructions to your tissue to regenerate and multiply. This has lead different fields of medicine to utilize PRP for wound healing to speed up recovery time and regrow healthier, stronger tissue. Now doctors have discovered new benefits for hair thickening and regrowth. With PRP for Hair, your growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse miniaturization of the hair follicle and jumpstarting dormant hair back into growth stage.


This quick injection involves the collection and concentration of your body's own platelets using a very easy three step process:

  1. The practitioner draws an amount of blood similar to what is required for a basic lab test and it is placed into a centrifuge.
  2. After 10 minutes of centrifugation, the platelets are concentrated and drawn up into a syringe.
  3. Using a small needle, the platelets are then injected strategically into your scalp in areas that need improvement.


How do I know if I am a good candidate for PRP?
Talk to your physician for a proper diagnosis and to create a treatment plan.

How many treatments are required?
Recommended protocol includes an initial series of three monthly treatments, followed by maintenance treatments approximately every 3 to 6 months.

Does the procedure hurt?
There may be some sensitivity. However, we can utilize effective anesthetic solutions to minimize any potential discomfort. Talk to us about the right option for you.

Is there any recovery time?
There is no downtime or a long recovery process for PRP Hair Restoration. You may take a warm shower the evening of the treatment. In addition, it is advised to avoid using harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair for 48 hours.

Is this a cure for baldness?
PRP is not a cure for baldness (Androgenic Alopecia). The genetic medical problem will always remain. However, there is evidence that regular treatments can significantly slow down the effects of Androgenic Alopecia and works to increase hair density. 

How long to results last?
The results of a series of ProPlasmaβ„’ Hair Restoration treatments are not permanent since they only help to keep existing hair in the growing phase. Without maintenance treatments, hair density on the scalp will return to baseline (pre-treatment levels). However, results can be actively maintained with subsequent treatments every 3-6 months.

What other areas can be treated for hair loss?
PRP injections can also be used on the eyebrows to help improve thinning eyebrows that many female patients suffer from.

Does PRP work?
*Recent study data on the PRP hair restoration treatments prove it’s effectiveness. However, no claim of PRP efficacy in promoting hair growth can be made because there is no FDA approval that would allow such claims to be made. View Study.



EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR (EGF) - promotes cell growth and differentiation, blood vessel formation, collagen formation

TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR (TGF) - promotes growth of matrix between cells, bone metabolism

VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR (VEGF) - promotes blood vessel formation

FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR (FGF) - promotes growth of specialized cells and blood vessel formation

PLATELET-DERIVED GROWTH FACTOR (PDGF) - Attracts macrophages and fibroblasts to the zone of injury. *Promotes collagen growth and proteoglycan synthesis. 

INTERLEUKINS, MACROPHAGES, KERATINOCYTES, ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, LYMPHOCYTES, FIBROBLASTS, OSTEOBLASTS, BASOPHILS, MAST CELLS - *Activates fibroblast differentiation. Induces collages and proteoglycan synthesis for healthy cell production and repair of damaged tissues. 

COLLAGEN STIMULATING GROWTH FACTOR  - *Stimulates granulocyte and macrophage proliferation for the growth of healthy tissue and blood cells. 

KERATINOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR (KGF) - *Keratinocyte migration, differentiation, and proliferations directly enhance wound healing and the generation of new skin.